Tuesday, July 18, 2006

How do you set a favorable training condition

A pre requisite for effective learning to take place is the creation of proper climate that is helpful in learning. This can be broadly categorized as

1. Institutional Climate
2. Climate for Training sessions
Currently we are more concerned towards the Training Climate setting and let’s discuss them in detail

Mutual Respect:

One will be open to learning if they feel that individual is respected. If there is any negative feeling about them like being talked down or neglected then the conducive environment for it will not be there. This can be developed using various methods, most commonly used are name calling (trainer and the participants), I normally use the method where in during my introduction I tell them that it will be a interactive session and if they don’t ask questions we will not be able to learn, also I some time throw questions to people in order to make it a more interactive and also help them unleash their true knowledge, this helps in creating mutual respect among participants and trainer.

Collaborative ness:

This sharing of experience exercise helps the participants to start seeing themselves as mutual helpers rather than rivals. I feel the richest resources in the training hall are participants themselves and the trainers.


As a trainer one will have to help the people in learning rather than being judgmental of their activities, this makes them feel that the trainer is there to help them, hence the learning will be more effective.

Climate of fun:

learning should be one of the most joyful things we do and so as a trainer one has to make the experience enjoyable. One can make use of humor appropriately

Human Climate:

Learning is a human activity and training is for animals. So one should try and establish a climate in which people feel that they are being treated as human being and not objects.

Once we have done this then probably can move towards creating a mechanism for planning: if as a trainer one can involve participants to let him know what is that they are expecting in the program to be covered then there will sense of belonging, like when you take some decision or plan for an action, if you think you have opted for such action then the ownership or the responsibility is that much more than where it is some one else’s job. This helps in actually creating a sense of belonging for a training program.

Diagnosing the participant’s learning need: In a particular training event involving individuals, a learning need is not a need unless so perceived by the learner. A trainer’s responsibility is to make them understand the conditions and providing them with the tool to translate the need into training.

Translating learning needs into objectives: having diagnosed their need, it should get translated into learning objectives, positive statements of direction of growth

Designing and managing a pattern of learning experience: once the objective is set, then one will have to see how to meet them. This will include the identifying the resources most relevant to each objective and the most effective strategies.

once the programme is ready and then conducted then one will take the objective and subjective feedback in order to gauge the effectiveness of the training and also the meeting of objectives.

So with these one can actually set a right climate for the training program with adults

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