Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Attributes of a good trainer

Some attributes I think are must for an Effective Trainer are

1. A trainer should be a very personable individual who gets along well with others and can empathize with the experience of a variety of individuals.

2. He should like to learn. I heard once that you live longer if you stretch your mind both vertically and horizontally. If that is the case then a trainer may just live forever as he should continually drill deeper into his own field and constantly delving into projects that require other fields of expertise.

3. He should believe in the products that he uses. As working daily with the technologies that one writes and speaks about. He should always explore any areas that are unknown and practice with elements he uses less often.

4. Should be a very confident speaker. Should enjoy the work that he does and love to talk about it. Should freely share the knowledge he has attained with others. Should be always described as a passionate person by the people he works with. He should love to "work the audience" talking back and forth and creating a true dialogue in any presentation.

5. Should not be afraid of failing nor should be afraid to admit when he is wrong. Should believe that you only truly fail if you never try. Every failure is simply an opportunity in disguise.

6. Should be goal oriented.

7. Should be a very focused individual able to use extreme levels of concentration when working.

8. I feel that one of the best qualities that a trainer should bring to any table is diversity. He should be equally comfortable with doing the planning and budgeting for a project

9. Patience is a virtue. You have no doubt heard the expression before. The classroom seems to prepare you for having a family and vice-versa.

10. Ability to ask questions and frame answers for the questions asked and then get the things out of people is a virtue one will have to develop

11. Sense of humor is something one should have to be a good trainer.

12. Its not the content but the methodology which connects the audience and the trainer is most important

13. His role is a facilitator, meaning one who brings the best out of people, hence should know how to influence people in the room

14. Should have lot of conviction about the content/about self and above all the training in itself

15. Some times he will have to be a tough negotiator with the participants in order to make them learn and help them change

16. He is a change agent, so help them metamorphose the change than just being a tutor.

17. Should be friendly and approachable by participants.

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